2024 City of Sydney Business sector support grant

The City of Sydney Business sector support grant program promotes local precincts, connects businesses to opportunities, grows skills and knowledge and helps advocate on key issues.
This is only available to not-for-profit organisations or a members based organisations with an economic focus such as a chamber of commerce or industry association. For profit businesses can not apply.
The summer 2023 applications open 6 February 2024 and close 5 March 2024. There is no winter 2023 round of funding.
What funding is available?
Cash funding from $10,000 to $50,000 per year is available, for a one-year program or multi-year funding (up to 3 years).
Applicants can apply for up to $5,000 worth of capital expenditure or equipment purchase.
Funding priorities
The City of Sydney Business sector support grant program will prioritise innovative projects that:
- support local businesses to adapt to new technologies, explore alternative business models and increase accessibility
- upskill local businesses and entrepreneurs to meet the needs of a more innovative economy
- build the skills and capacity of our diverse communities to increase economic participation
- advocate on key industry/sector issues on behalf of local businesses
- deliver collaborative marketing to activate local precincts and promote unique experiences across the city.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- Be a not-for-profit organisation or a members based organisation with an economic focus such as a chamber of commerce or industry association. For profit businesses can not apply.
- operate within the City of Sydney’s local government area or be able to demonstrate significant benefits for the area’s residents, workers and/or visitors
- have acquitted any previous City of Sydney grants or sponsorships and met all contractual obligations
- have no outstanding debts owing to the City of Sydney
- demonstrate the grant will be used for a purpose in the public interest
- demonstrate capacity to deliver the project
- be financially viable.
The project must not duplicate existing services or programs and must be for future expenditure. Will not cover existing overheads of the business.
Learn More
Note applications for the Summer 2024 The City of Sydney Business sector support grant program close 5 March 2024. This covers projects starting from 1 July 2024.
To learn more and apply online click here
Wayne Wanders is an experienced Business Advisor skilled in analysing business financial performance and cash flow. Wayne may also be able to assist you in preparing your grant application. Contact Wayne below for a free no obligation session.
Contact Wayne Wanders for your FREE Business Survival Session
At the end of this session, you will have multiple ideas on how your business can survive and thrive in these uncertain times.
Simply fill in the contact form below or email me at wayne@aRealCFO.com.au or call me on 0412 227 052 to organise one of these obligation free sessions.
Wayne Wanders, A Real CFO