2025 NAIDOC Local Grants

The 2025 NAIDOC Local Grants aims to assist with the cost of activities being held during NAIDOC Week 2025 (6-13 July 2025)
What is NAIDOC Week?
NAIDOC (which is the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) Week is held in July to celebrate our First Nations’ histories, cultures, achievements and continuing contributions to Australia.
Whilst I firmly believe that all Australians should be learning more about our First Nations people and cultures every day, NAIDOC Week is a significant opportunity learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. FYI the image in this post is from the Laura Quinkan Dance Festival where I spent part of the 2023 Naidoc Week
And given the importance of learning about our First Nations people and cultures and in closing the gap between First Nations and non-Indigenous Australians, the Federal Government provides funding to assist under the NAIDOC Local Grants Program.
So if you are thinking about holding an event or celebration for the 2025 NAIDOC Week, then this grant may be for you
Funding Available
There are two funding Categories for this grant opportunity:
- Small Scale Grants – funding of $10,000 or less.
- Larger Scale Grants – funding of between $10,001 to $50,000 for activities / events which may be delivered in multiple communities or locations
Who is Eligible for the 2025 NAIDOC Local Grants
The activity or event must promote the annual National NAIDOC Week theme, and support the Australian Government’s commitment to celebrate, support, and raise awareness of First Nations histories and cultures within the wider community. An activity or event being run by a non-First Nations organisation must have support from the local First Nations community/ies.
To be eligible you must:
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN), (note can be a sole trader)(
- have an account with an Australian financial institution
- have other sources of co-contribution funding
Eligible grant activities
The key criteria is that your grant activity must directly relate to the 2025 NAIDOC Week Theme: ‘The Next Generation: Strength, Vision & Legacy, and generally in in NAIDOC week (6-13 July 2025) and can include:
- activities that promote heathy outcomes for First Nations people
- arts based activities, including painting, dancing, crafts and storytelling
- family fun days
- cultural activities
- Elders activities
- bush tucker and other community cooking activities
- NAIDOC themed sporting activities or competitions, and
- activities that actively promote reconciliation.
Learn More
Click here to learn more
Applications close 20 February 2025
Contact Wayne on wayne@arealcfo.com.au or 0412 227 052.
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Want a confidential discussion on your business situation, help with your grant application or to learn more about my Outsourced CFO Services, simply email me at wayne@aRealCFO.com.au or call me on 0412 227 052