NSW Biosciences Fund
The NSW Biosciences Fund may be for you, if your business is commercialising new and innovative biological science (bioscience) technologies, devices and systems.
The Biosciences Fund offers competitive grants between $200,000 and $2m million for NSW businesses with turnover in the 2021 / 22 financial year of less than $2.5m.
Eligible Projects
For Round 1, eligible projects must be:
- in the following industries: Agriculture and agrifood; Medical and life sciences; Clean energy and waste, and,
- one of the following technology applications: Genetic Engineering; Synthetic Biology; Personalised Medicine; Cell-based meats; AgTech; Sustainable Fuels; Power to X; Renewable generation; Environmental monitoring and management; Robotics; AI; Pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals; Circular Economy; Novel Fertilisers; Vaccines.
- Have a maximum project period of 2 years with clear and achievable milestones
- Seek to progress an innovation along the commercialisation pathway.
- Have an existing prototype/proof-of-concept.
- Be Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 3-7 on the TRL Scale. (See fund guidelines for what this means).
- Demonstrate why sufficient funding for the entire project cannot be accessed from alternative sources and that the project would not proceed at the proposed scale in NSW without government support.
What are the Eligible activities
Eligible activities include:
- Prototyping and piloting studies
- Manufacturing and/or scaling
- Conducting market and product assessments
- Regulatory approvals and other relevant certifications
- Salaries and access to external expertise that is directly related to delivery of the project
- Commercialisation strategies and commercial feasibility studies
- Specialist equipment and/or infrastructure necessary to progress the project
- Project consumables directly related to delivery of project outcomes
- Intellectual property protection or advice
Applicants must be:
- based and headquartered in NSW with revenue of no more than $2.5 million in FY2021/22
- hold the Intellectual Property or the rights to commercialise the device/system/innovation
Sole traders and partnerships are not eligible unless they agree to form a company.
Application Process
The application process for the NSW Biosciences Fund is a 2 stage. Stage 1 is a preliminary application. A selected number of applicants will then be asked to lodge a full application.
Learn More
To learn more and apply click here
Note preliminary applications close 10am (AEDT) 20 March 2023