Breakthrough Victoria Challenge

The Breakthrough Victoria Challenge he program forms part of the Breakthrough Victoria Fund, which aims to drive investment in translational research, innovation and commercialisation outcomes to accelerate growth in key industry sectors and create jobs.
The first Challenge under this program is to reduce solar waste in landfill.
Breakthrough Victoria is seeking for novel, commercial and scalable solutions that create high-value products from end-of-life solar panels, reducing the number of panels going to landfill and increasing the return from the panels through clean separation technology.
The funds under this Breakthrough Victoria and this Breakthrough Victoria Challenge are not grant funds. Instead Breakthrough Victoria will invest in your business, from pre-seed to and beyond – to the value of $10 million. In other words, they are a government funded VC.
Note your business does not need to be in Victoria currently, but they expect the benefits of the investment to be largely derived in Victoria.
So any investment in the business will be based on a similar approach to what a VC fund takes.
And in this case it starts with a pitch deck provided to Breakthrough Victoria.
To learn more click here
Wayne Wanders is an experienced Business Advisor skilled in analysing business financial performance and cash flow. Wayne may also be able to assist you in preparing your grant application. Contact Wayne below for a free no obligation session.
Also, if you want some more information on grants, contact me below
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Wayne Wanders, A Real CFO