eBay Circular Fashion Fund

The eBay Circular Fashion Fund supports innovative start-ups & businesses that bring innovative technology and services to make us change shopping habits and think differently about circular fashion.
One Australian business will receive a cash investment for their business of $100,000. There will be 2 other businesses who will each receive a cash investment of $50,000. The Australian winner also gets the opportunity to pitch for an additional $300k USD of investment as the global winner
Who is eligible?
Applicants must have an established business with an ABN that has been trading for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 6 years.
Can be a charity or social enterprise as long as they have a registered Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) number as well as an ABN.
Is also open to both eBay and non-eBay account holders.
The assessment criteria?
Applications will be reviewed against:
- The ability to leverage emerging technologies to create products or services which advances fashion’s circular economy.
- Having a unique value proposition that has game-changing advantages over other alternatives.
- The business model is commercially viable and economically desirable.
- The business or its created works or services addresses a need and solves a problem.
- The business has an immediate and longer-term positive impact on people and the planet.
- The quality and completeness of the application form.
Businesses selected for global assessment will additionally be reviewed against their team, traction of their business, and thesis.
Learn More
To learn more about the eBay Circular Fashion Fund click here
Note applications close on 15 November 2024.
Contact Wayne on wayne@arealcfo.com.au or 0412 227 052.
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Want a confidential discussion on your business situation, help with your grant application or to learn more about my Outsourced CFO Services, simply email me at wayne@aRealCFO.com.au or call me on 0412 227 052