Manufacturing Hubs Grant Program QLD Round 3

Manufacturing Hubs Grant Program QLD Round 3

The Manufacturing Hubs Grant Program aims to support the growth of Queensland’s regional manufacturing industry by helping small-to-medium size enterprises (SMEs) build their advanced manufacturing capabilities. 

Round 3 is focused on Cairns, Central Queensland, Gold Coast, Mackay and Townsville SA4 regions with funding between $10,000 and $500,000 available.


Applicants must:

  • Be a Qld-based, SME employing between 5 and 200 people, whose principal activity and majority of annual turnover is derived from manufacturing.
  • Have its main operations located in one of the above regions, and have operated within Qld for a minimum of three consecutive years.
  • Be registered for GST and hold an active ABN.
  • Not be insolvent or have owners or directors that are an undischarged bankrupts.
  • Not be a Federal, State or local government entity, statutory authority or not-for-profit organisation.
  • have the financial capacity and standing necessary to conduct the proposed Eligible Activity

Eligible Activities

Grants will be available to successful applicants to support development of their advanced manufacturing capabilities through the following Eligible Activities:

  • Technology adoption
  • Skills and training
  • Business development
  • Advanced Robotic for Manufacturing Hub services

The guidelines provide mre detail on allowed and dis-allowed costs.

Main Assessment Criteria

The main assessment criteria include whether:

  • The project demonstrates that it will build the capacity of the business to increase its productivity and/or international competitiveness (20%).
  • The project will involve the adoption of leading-edge equipment or innovative processes, technologies and strategies (20%).
  • The project supports current manufacturing jobs and will create new high-skilled manufacturing jobs in Queensland (20%).
  • The project aligns with the strategic direction of the business and will increase profitability (10%).
  • The project demonstrates value for money to the business, the local market and the state (20%).
  • The project is achievable within the stated budget and timeframes (10%).

Learn more and Apply

The starting point for the Manufacturing Hubs Grant Program is to contact the manufacturing hub in your region for a preliminary discussion regarding your project.

If after preliminary discussions you wish to apply, your manufacturing hub will provide you access to the online application portal.

Note applications ate open till 30 June 2024, or when funds are fully exhausted, whichever comes first.

For more information click here



Wayne Wanders is an experienced Business Advisor skilled in analysing business financial performance and cash flow. Wayne may also be able to assist you in preparing your grant application.  Contact Wayne below for a free no obligation session.

Also, if you want some more information on grants, contact me below

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At the end of this session, you will have multiple ideas on how your business can survive and thrive in these uncertain times.

Simply fill in the contact form below or email me at or call me on 0412 227 052 to organise one of these obligation free sessions.

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