NSW Going Global Export Program Independent Education Providers to China

If your business is looking to expand delivery of education, training, learning and development services to China, then the NSW Going Global Export Program Independent Education Providers to China program may be for you.
The NSW Going Global Export program itself
The NSW Going Global Export program helps eligible NSW business to access free support to expand to new international markets. It does this by providing access to
- online workshops
- business matching
- coaching from a dedicated Export Advisers
- access to the NSW Trade and Investment Commissioner in-market
- support from industry experts
- training in marketing and e-commerce.
The program is split into streams being Health and Medtech, Technology and Food and Beverage.
Within each stream there are various different product and market subsets, which open for businesses to apply for from time to time.
And one such product / market subset is the “Independent Education Providers to China”.
NSW Going Global Export Program Independent Education Providers to China
This program provides support for businesses to expand delivery of education, training, learning and development services to China, and is focused on the activity period March and April 2023.
To be eligible to apply for the overall NSW Going Global Program your business:
- Have headquarters in NSW with a valid ABN
- Be export-capable and export-ready
- Have between 5 and 199 full-time equivalent employees
- Have a product or service that is produced primarily in NSW which is achieving sales already
- Have a website featuring the product or service
- Be prepared to adapt the product or service for the market
Additional eligibility requirements for the Independent Education Providers to China stream you must:
- Proven commercial capability domestically
- Clearly defined business model
Businesses not eligible for this stream:
- Businesses who participated in a previous round of Going Global Program “to UK”
Note you can only apply for one stream at a time.
What the NSW Going Global Export Program Independent Education Providers to China covers
You get access to:
- Market intelligence briefings and cultural training
- Export preparation
- Potential partner search and introductions and business matching
- In-market assistance, mentoring, ongoing advice and follow up.
How to Apply
To learn more, register for the information session, and apply for the NSW Going Global Export Program Independent Education Providers to China, click here.
Note applications close 29 January 2023.
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