Wayne Wanders Outsourced CFO


Small Business Tips to help your Business

Welcome to Wayne’s small business tips to help your business.

These tips have been drawn from Wayne’s experience as a fully qualified Chartered Accountant for over 35 years including the last 23 years working with hundreds of startups, small and medium businesses as an Outsourced CFO and Business Advisor.


Click on the below buttons to access Free Resources developed by Wayne Wanders, A Real CFO to help your business scale and grow profitably

And Wayne is always posting about new grants, funding options and other resources on LinkedIn that can help your business scale and grow profitably.  Click on the below links and connect with Wayne or follow A Real CFO on LinkedIn.

Want a confidential discussion on your business situation, help with your grant application or to learn more about my Outsourced CFO Services, simply email or call me.


email: Wayne@aRealCFO.com.au      Phone: 0412 227 052


Scroll below to search for the Small Business Tips that can help your business scale and grow profitably.  Just click on the tip you want to look at.

2020 tax tips

2020 tax tips

Here are 10 business tax tips to legally minimise your 2020 tax position

Keep getting back up

Keep getting back up

Just like my grandson learning to walk. Don’t quit the first time you fall over in your business. Keep getting back up and try again.

National Sorry Day 2020

National Sorry Day 2020

Today, 26 May is National Sorry Day. It is a day to recognise the grief, suffering and loss suffered by the stolen generations and the mistreatment of Australia’s Indigenous peoples.

Casual Workers Double Dipping

Casual Workers Double Dipping

If you employ casual workers, you need to read this! Updated information as at 20 May 2020 about casual workers double dipping leave entitlements

How will you treat your customers?

How will you treat your customers?

Yesterday I had the experience of directly comparing the level of customer service & attitudes of a private business with a government department

Are you managing bodies or managing minds?

Are you managing bodies or managing minds?

Here is a thought for all business owners as you plan your response to the current economic situation. When dealing with your staff, have you made the change from managing bodies to managing minds?

How Motivated are your staff?

How Motivated are your staff?

How Motivated are your staff? Are you one of the many businesses out there operate with unmotivated staff working far below their capacity?

The importance of updating your systems and processes

The importance of updating your systems and processes

The importance of updating your systems and processesToday I want to talk about another strategy out of my Business Survival Guide – that’s about the importance of updating your systems and processes.Transcript Today I want to talk about another strategy out of my...

The Importance of Communication

The Importance of Communication

Today I want to talk about another strategy out of my Business Survival Guide – and it’s all about the importance of communication

Business Survival Guide – Look after your staff

Business Survival Guide – Look after your staff

Learn why it is really important right now to look after your staff, because if you don’t look after them, they may not be there when the recovery comes and you may be left behind as others grow faster than you do

Foundations for Business Success

Foundations for Business Success

A while ago, I had the pleasure of sitting in a room and listening to Dr Glen Richards for a couple of hours as he shared his business advice about the foundations for business success. I thought I would share some of the messages I took from his session

Filter Bubble

Filter Bubble

Are you living in your own filter bubble? Disregarding great ideas just because they don’t fit into your pre-existing viewpoint

JobKeeper Alternative Turnover Test Details now available

JobKeeper Alternative Turnover Test Details now available

On 23 April the ATO issued some rules and guidance to help businesses who failed the standard decline in turnover (revenue) test to be eligible for the JobKeeper payment. Here are some details of the key alternative revenue decline tests that may be applicable to your business.

A Real CFO