Summer 2023 City of Sydney Innovation and ideas grants

City of Sydney Innovation and ideas grants

The City of Sydney Innovation and ideas grants program supports projects that foster innovation, showcase local expertise and test new ideas to address local and global issues across the city’s social, cultural, sustainability and business sectors.

The summer 2023 applications close 7 March 2023.

Funding can support:

  • research and feasibility studies relating to the funding priorities listed below
  • pilot projects that test new approaches for addressing local and global issues
  • demonstration projects that promote market awareness and adoption of innovations
  • development and implementation of best practice approaches and toolkits
  • new technologies and platforms that support sector development.

What funding is available?

Cash funding from $10,000 to $50,000 per year is available, for a one-year program or multi-year funding (up to 3 years).

Funding priorities

The City of Sydney Innovation and ideas grants program will prioritise innovative projects that contribute to making Sydney a city:

  • that is a leading environmental performer
  • that is equitable and inclusive
  • with resilient and diverse communities
  • with a thriving cultural and creative life
  • with a transformed and innovative economy.


To be eligible, applicants must:

  • operate within the City of Sydney’s local government area or be able to demonstrate significant benefits for the area’s residents, workers and/or visitors
  • have acquitted any previous City of Sydney grants or sponsorships and met all contractual obligations
  • have no outstanding debts owing to the City of Sydney
  • demonstrate the grant will be used for a purpose in the public interest
  • demonstrate capacity to deliver the project
  • be financially viable.

The project must not duplicate existing services or programs and must be for future expenditure.  Will  not cover existing overheads of the business.

Assessment criteria

Proposals are assessed against:

  • evidence of the need for the project and proposed outcomes
  • capacity and experience of the applicant to deliver the project
  • demonstrated connection and benefit to the local area and communities
  • evidence of diversity, inclusion and equity in the planning and delivery of the project
  • how the project delivers against the funding priorities.


How to apply

Note applications for the 2023 Summer City of Sydney Innovation and ideas grants program close 5pm 7 March 2023.  This covers projects starting from 1 July 2023.

To learn more and apply online click here



If you want a confidential discussion on your business situation, or help with this grant contact me below



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At the end of this session, you will have multiple ideas on how your business can survive and thrive in these uncertain times.

Simply fill in the contact form below or email me at or call me on 0412 227 052 to organise one of these obligation free sessions.

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