The Backing International Small Restaurants Grant program is now open for applications

Backing International Small Restaurants

If you are a small independent hospitality business in Sydney or Melbourne, and want some funding, then the Backing International Small Restaurants program may be what you are looking for.  This program will provide 10 grants of $21,500 to support the venue for long term business sustainability.

Are you Eligible?

To be eligible for the Backing International Small Restaurants program you:

  • Any restaurant, pub, bar, café with food service in Greater Sydney or Greater Melbourne
  • Be currently open for business
  • Be a small/independently-owned restaurant, café, bar or pub with food offering and not part
  • of a franchise with more than 5 locations
  • Have an annual revenue in 2023 of less than $2m

Here are the 2023 recipients from Sydney.  Kabul Social in Sydney’s CBD and North Sydney, Viand in Woolloomooloo, Kaska Eatery in Darlinghurst, IIKO Mazesoba in Haymarket, Food Addict in Darlinghurst and Small’s Deli in Potts Point. 

Assessment Criteria

Each hospitality business will be evaluated on:

  • Clear use of grant funds and its impact on the restaurant.
  • Grant funds must be able to be deployed quickly in a 4 month timeframe
  • Contribution to neighbourhood identity or community engagement
  • Explanation of hardships that the restaurant has endured
  • Owned and/or operated by underrepresented and/or economically vulnerable members of the community

What can the moneys be used for?

The grant funds must be used towards critical business needs that support the restaurant for long term business sustainability.

Potential uses could include critical improvements needed to sustain operations such as enhancing digital capabilities, building outdoor dining spaces, purchasing new equipment and making other physical improvements. Utility costs are a potential use but must not exceed 15% of the grant.

Applicants are required to provide an outline of their planned use of funds in their application.

Note: Rent, salaries, loan repayments, food supplies, and alcohol are not eligible grant fund uses.

Learn more

Click here to learn more about the Backing International Small Restaurants program

Note applications close 30 May 2024

And if you want help to scale and grow your business profitably, please to contact me below

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To ensure Wayne helps your business specifically, the best approach Wayne has found is to have an obligation free Discovery Session with you.  In this session we will review your current business in a factual and objective manner, to better understand the challenges that you face.

At the end of this Discovery Session, you will have multiple ideas on how your business can scale and grow profitably.

Simply fill in the contact form below or email Wayne at or call Wayne on 0412 227 052 to organise one of these obligation free Discovery Sessions.

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