The EMC Theory of Selecting New Staff

EMC Theory

From one of my readings over the COVID period, I came across Cadel Evan’s EMC theory of how to select his team members when he was professionally riding both mountain and road bikes. This EMC theory transposes very well into selecting your next employee.

So, I thought I would share it.

The E stands for Experience – the practice at doing something.

M stands for Motivation (or passion) – the willingness to do something.

C stands for Capability – the ability to do something.

Ideally, the employer would want to employ someone with highest mix of all three.

But not always is that possible.  As a prospective employer you may get someone:

  • with strong motivation or passion, but who does not have great capability. They may be more likely to want to work hard to get the right result.
  • with great capability, but who may not have the right motivation. They may not achieve the best result.
  • who has limited experience. But this may not mean that they do not have great capability. They may have been trained by the top person in the field, just have not had time to put it all into action.

As a prospective employer, you need to weigh up which of these is the most important for each role and rank between the candidates. For some roles, motivation is needed as you can bring the training. For others, you need the capability and experience straight away.

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