There is an I in win

Yesterday I wrote about that business being a team sport and the need for the team to work together to win at business. As part of this, I spoke about how the “I” in the “A” hole of team could hurt your business.
Today I want to talk about a seemly opposite view about how the “I” in win can help your business.
I will use the example of a cricket team. There are 11 batters going out to bat. If each one abdicates responsibility for the team performance to another batter, it is likely that the team will not score many runs and lose.
Or the example of a football team. If every player abdicates their responsibility to score a goal or a try to another player, it is likely that the team has a low score and probably loses.
So, the “I” in win means that every member of the team takes responsibility. Their attitude and effort, helps the team have a win, even if someone else scores that winning goal, run or try.
For your business to win, which right now, may just be to survive these current times, you need to make sure:
- Every member of the team takes responsibility for the team performance. Get them to be the “I” in win.
- That any “I” in the “A” hole of team is appropriately managed.
Contact Wayne Wanders for your FREE Business Survival Session
At the end of this session, you will have multiple ideas on how your business can survive and thrive in these uncertain times.
Simply fill in the contact form below or email me at or call me on 0412 227 052 to organise one of these obligation free sessions.
Wayne Wanders, A Real CFO